For my new house I wanted the build an inwall LED Dimmer that I can controll remotely or by touch.
Like I did for the "NRF52 In-wall node with AAA batteries" and "NRF52 In-wall node with AC-Power" , I wanted to build a small device that fits into a wall socket and is covered by a Jung AS500 blanc cover. The PCB is replacing the metal backplate.
The device is using an FL5150 to DIM the LED's. The LED's are powered by 230 AC.
To control them remotely I use the same Ebyte module i use for the other projects.
To control the device manualy I want to use a TTP223 Module that is glued just under the lid.
So far I tried a DAC to dim the lights, but I failed. (due to my lack of knowledge) Since @jimmyjames clames to have it working, i want to give it another shot.
The solution that I build in today (05-10-2019) is a 50K Digital pot. and 2 mosfets to shut down/power on the LED's.