This is a shield(or HAT) for the Raspberry Pi Zero(W) Linux SBC (MySensors ready)
Key Features:
- DS18B20 temperature/humidity sensor
- RFM69W radio module
- OLED Display(SSD1306 - 128x32)
- LED Bargraph
- SMD Switches
Work progress:
- Test/verify the pcb board correctness(from both electrical and mechanical point of views) - DONE
- Produce the initial PCB's using some external PCB manufacturer - IN PROGRESS
- Components assembly(soldering)
- Verify the real board with running code
- Create project enclosure using a 3D printer
Practical usage ideas:
The main purpose of this board will be as a BLE - MySensors bridge for the Livolo Switches preloaded with BLE firmware - see: NRF51822 BLE Livolo One Channel Switch and NRF51822 BLE Livolo Two Channel Switch
Why not ESP32 you may ask? Well considering the price of the Raspberry PI Zero W Linux SBC which is not that big I will opt for it anytime because of the simplicity of software development using Python and for its great potential(1GHz CPU/512MB RAM - don't need to worry about resources). Not to mention that it's small also compared to other PI's and the great software support.
HW Revisions: