This is a dual channel 0-10V dimmer. It can be used to control LED drivers, fans, dampers and more. The PCB is designed to fit into a 4 module wide DIN enclosure.
- ATMega328P-AU
- NRF24L01 PA+LNA SMD module
- ATSHA204A for signing
- AT25DF512C for OTA updates
- Two 0-10V outputs, 40mA max per output
- Two 0-10V inputs (or digital input with external pull-up)
- Two inputs for CT sensors
- External 12V power supply required
PCB design
PCB fabrication
- Software
Discovered that the silkscreen in rev 1.0 was incorrect. +12V and GND labels were swapped which caused some smoke during initial test. Next problem was a missing connection to the 3.3V regulator which required a blue wire fix. Both these issues have been fixed in rev 1.1.
After the initial problems I have managed to verify:
- ATMega328 and support circuits
- AMS1117 voltage regulator
- NRF24L01 radio
- SHA204A signing chip
- MCP4922 DAC and LM358 Op-Amp for 0-10V output
- LEDs
- AT25DF512 SPI Flash
- 0-10V inputs
- CT sensor inputs