Hi everyone! I have just finished development of the next device from MDMS series, which called "Multisensor". The device is intended for measuring parameters of environmental such as temperature, humidity, pressure and light. LiPo battery is installed in the device and makes it independent from the wires power. Also, battery charger and micro USB connector are installed and provide the ability to charge the device. Especially, pay attention to the presence of terminal block (I2C, +3.0V, ADC, INT, GND), which can be connected to the external sensors. And, as always, you can install one of the radios – NRF24L01 or RFM69))
- Atmega328P
- NRF24L01 or RFM69
- M25P40
- LiPo 1200mAh
- LTC4054 (battery charger)
- DS18B20 (temperature sensor)
- DHT11 (humidity sensor)
- BH1750 (light sensor)
- Si7021 (humidity sensor)
- BMP180 (pressure sensor)