FC-001 : Basic MySensors Node on CR2032
Tested and works
Versatile MySensors node Compatible with sensebender (Led on A2, Crypto on A3, Flash on D8)
Very first schematic design, very first PCB design, very first SMD solderings. This is my "hello world" in a new realm.
Reference | Quantity | Value | Footprint | Datasheet | Digikey | Manufacturer | Price | SKU | Conrad |
AE1 | 1 | 2.4Ghz | FCAntenna:Wurth_WE-MCA_7488910245_2.4GHZ_CHIP_SMD | https://katalog.we-online.de/pbs/datasheet/7488910245.pdf | 732-1838-1-ND | Wurth | 2.97 | 7488910245 | |
BT1 | 1 | 3V | FCBatteries:BatteryHolder_MPD_BC2003_1x2032 | http://www.keyelco.com/product-pdf.cfm?p=726 | 36-1060CT-ND | Keystone | 1.2 | 1060TR | |
C1 | 1 | 220nF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-6477-1-ND | Samsung | 0.09 | CL21B224KAFNNNG | |
C10 | 1 | 33nF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-1796-1-ND | Samsung | 0.10 | CL21B333KBANNNC | |
C11 | 1 | 10nF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-1015-1-ND | Samsung | 0.09 | CL21B103KBANNNC | |
C12 | 1 | 1nF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-2424-1-ND | Samsung | 0.09 | CL21B102KBANFNC | |
C13 | 1 | 2.2nF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-1825-1-ND | Samsung | 0.09 | CL21B222KBCNNNC | |
C14 | 1 | 4.7pF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | https://www.we-online.com/components/products/datasheet/8850... | 732-12217-1-ND | Wurth | 0.10 | 885012007096 | |
C15 | 1 | 1.5pF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-2598-1-ND | Samsung | 0.09 | CL21C1R5CBANNNC | |
C16 C17 | 2 | 22pF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | https://api.kemet.com/component-edge/download/datasheet/C080... | 399-17626-1-ND | Kemet | 0.25 | C0805C220K5RAC7800 | |
C18 | 1 | 1pF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | https://www.we-online.com/components/products/datasheet/8850... | 732-7841-1-ND | Wurth | 0.10 | 885012007045 | |
C5 C6 | 2 | 10uF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-1113-1-ND | Samsung | 0.25 | CL21B106KQQNNNE | |
C7 | 1 | 220uF | Capacitor_SMD:C_1206_3216Metric | https://search.murata.co.jp/Ceramy/image/img/A01X/G101/ENG/G... | 490-13967-1-ND | Murata | 1.08 | GRM31CR60E227ME11L | |
C2 C3 C4 C8 C9 | 5 | 0.1uF | Capacitor_SMD:C_0805_2012Metric | http://www.samsungsem.com/kr/support/product-search/mlcc/CL2... | 1276-1099-1-ND | Samsung | 0.09 | CL21B104KACNNNC | |
D1 | 1 | Red | LED_SMD:LED_0805_2012Metric | https://media.digikey.com/pdf/Data%20Sheets/Lite-On%20PDFs/L... | 160-1178-1-ND | Lite-On | 0.32 | LTST-C170EKT | |
D2 | 1 | 40V 100MA | Diode_SMD:D_0805_2012Metric | https://datasheets.kyocera-avx.com/schottky.pdf | 478-7801-1-ND | AVX | 0.50 | SD0805S040S0R1 | |
D3 | 1 | Zener 3.3V | Diode_SMD:D_SOD-323F | http://www.produktinfo.conrad.com/datenblaetter/1200000-1299... | ON Semiconductor | 0.15 | MM3Z3V3B | 1264687 | |
J1 | 1 | AVR-ISP-6 | Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_2x03_P2.54mm_Vertical | ||||||
J2 | 1 | FTDI | Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x06_P2.54mm_Vertical | ~ | |||||
J3 J4 | 2 | Conn_01x11 | Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm:PinHeader_1x11_P2.54mm_Vertical | ~ | |||||
L1 | 1 | 10uH | Inductor_SMD:L_0805_2012Metric | https://abracon.com/Magnetics/chips/AIML-0805.pdf | 535-11621-1-ND | Abracon | 0.15 | AIML-0805-100K-T | |
L2 | 1 | 8.2nH | Inductor_SMD:L_0805_2012Metric | https://abracon.com/Magnetics/new/AIMC-0805.pdf | 535-11575-1-ND | Abracon | 0.14 | AIMC-0805-8N2J-T | |
L3 | 1 | 2.7nH | Inductor_SMD:L_0805_2012Metric | https://abracon.com/Magnetics/new/AIMC-0805.pdf | 535-11563-1-ND | Abracon | 0.14 | AIMC-0805-2N7S-T | |
L4 | 1 | 3.9nH | Inductor_SMD:L_0805_2012Metric | https://abracon.com/Magnetics/new/AIMC-0805.pdf | 535-11567-1-ND | Abracon | 0.16 | AIMC-0805-3N9S-T | |
R1 | 1 | 68R | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.seielect.com/catalog/sei-rmcf_rmcp.pdf | RMCF0805JT68R0CT-ND | Stackpole Electronics Inc | 0.09 | RMCF0805JT68R0 | |
R2 | 1 | 56k | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.vishay.com/docs/20035/dcrcwe3.pdf | 541-56KACT-ND | Vishay | 0.09 | CRCW080556K0JNEA | |
R3 R9 | 2 | 1M | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.vishay.com/docs/28773/crcwce3.pdf | 541-4135-1-ND | Vishay | 0.09 | CRCW08051M00FKEAC | |
R4 | 1 | 470k | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.vishay.com/docs/20035/dcrcwe3.pdf | 541-470KACT-ND | Vishay | 0.09 | CRCW0805470KJNEA | |
R5 | 1 | 10k | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.vishay.com/docs/28773/crcwce3.pdf | 541-4163-1-ND | Vishay | 0.09 | CRCW080510K0JNEAC | |
R6 R7 | 2 | 4.7k | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.vishay.com/docs/28773/crcwce3.pdf | 541-4165-1-ND | Vishay | 0.09 | CRCW08054K70JNEAC | |
R8 | 1 | 22k | Resistor_SMD:R_0805_2012Metric | https://www.vishay.com/docs/20035/dcrcwe3.pdf | 541-22KACT-ND | Vishay | 0.09 | CRCW080522K0JNEA | |
U1 | 1 | BME280 | Package_LGA:Bosch_LGA-8_2.5x2.5mm_P0.65mm_ClockwisePinNumbering | https://ae-bst.resource.bosch.com/media/_tech/media/datashee... | 828-1063-1-ND | Bosh | 6.83 | BME280 | |
U2 | 1 | AT25DF512C | Package_SO:SOIC-8_3.9x4.9mm_P1.27mm | http://www.adestotech.com/wp-content/uploads/DS-AT25DF512C_0... | 1265-1114-1-ND | Adesto | 0.45 | AT25DF512C-SSHN-T | |
U3 | 1 | ATmega328P-AU | Package_QFP:TQFP-32_7x7mm_P0.8mm | http://www.microchip.com/mymicrochip/filehandler.aspx?ddocna... | ATMEGA328P-AU-ND | Microchip | 1.84 | ATMEGA328P-AU | |
U4 | 1 | ATSHA204A | Package_TO_SOT_SMD:SC-59 | http://www.microchip.com/mymicrochip/filehandler.aspx?ddocna... | ATSHA204A-STUCZ-TCT-ND | Microchip | 0.49 | ATSHA204A-STUCZ-T | |
U5 | 1 | nRF24L01P | Package_DFN_QFN:QFN-20-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.5x2.5mm | https://www.nordicsemi.com/-/media/DocLib/Other/Product_Spec... | 1490-1033-1-ND | Nordic | 3.09 | NRF24L01P-R7 | |
Y1 | 1 | 16MHz | Crystal:Crystal_SMD_ECS_CSM3X-2Pin_7.6x4.1mm | https://abracon.com/Resonators/ABLS7M2.pdf | 535-12830-1-ND | Abracon | 0.35 | ABLS7M2-16.000MHZ-D2Y-T |
Name | Size | # Downloads |
MySNode-B.Cu.gbl | 17.25 kB | 365 |
MySNode-B.Mask.gbs | 31.03 kB | 367 |
MySNode-B.Paste.gbp | 528 B | 372 |
MySNode-B.SilkS.gbo | 318.87 kB | 385 |
MySNode-Edge.Cuts.gm1 | 719 B | 370 |
MySNode-F.Cu.gtl | 197.71 kB | 397 |
MySNode-F.Mask.gts | 118.93 kB | 363 |
MySNode-F.Paste.gtp | 167.09 kB | 363 |
MySNode-F.SilkS.gto | 66.13 kB | 360 |
MySNode-NPTH.drl | 202 B | 386 |
MySNode-PTH.drl | 1.18 kB | 358 |
MySNode-cache.lib | 19.71 kB | 360 |
MySNode-job.gbrjob | 2.51 kB | 406 |
MySNode-sch.pdf | 135.86 kB | 392 |
MySNode.kicad_pcb | 334.04 kB | 409 |
MySNode.pro | 888 B | 380 |
MySNode.sch | 51.45 kB | 406 |