This is an announcements for all would-be supporters:
Wakame and Kombu project are being fused together with the Wave Operating System project, a free and opensource gnu + gnustep operating system wich is in deep development aiming towards a really friendly operating system.
Wave OS and Wakame / Kombu are in the process of becoming Wave Board, so for the very first time in the Foss world it seems we have the first free/open hardware and software in a single coherent project. In consequence it's important for the suppporters to take notice that Kombu Board won't be developed as such and it would actually be published as a Risc-v based WaveBoard computer's hardware fork. In consequence is no longer an independent project and you can consider this former "kombu project" halted.
Please visit having in mind this is no longer an open software project but a open software & hardware together project.
Just let me thank you for your support and the improvements or experiments you may have don on Wakame Board. Small details and problems may happen within next months due piecing together a hardware and a software project.