is for RFM69 or RS$85 (SMD or DIL)
State: Beta
MySensors/HM easyPCB
Communication via
- RFM69(H)W (868MHz and "W" Version recomended "HW" is not for all countries...), or
- CC1101 (868MHz for HomeMatic Protocol)
- NRF2401 (for mySensors 2,4 GHz)
- RS485 with Max487 for MySensors or Homematic Wired
Connectors for
- N-Module Extensions
- Homematic-Universal PCB from Papa
- Grove Connectors but in 2,54mm raster
- Connector for screws or clamping
- more Sensors (I2C or Digital pin with Interupt)
- ATSHA204 (SMD solder)
Power via
- Step-Up
- Step-Down ("mini360")
- Linear-Regulator
- Box2252
- 59x65 (China Noname)
- 67x98 (China Noname) Many options with many drills
- Status Alpha, not much tested.

Important Hint:
Most Parts are optional. Use only what you need!
The Senors-PCBs will have errors! Be careful!
Changes / Known Bugs: V01:
1 last-minute connection to "opt" header not knowingly not routed
Changes / Known Bugs V10-Standard: One trace has to be cut on Standard PCB One Connection has to be routed manually to VCC