USB90uC: a minimal development board for the Atmel AT90USB162 USB enabled microcontroller.
This is a cleaned up version of a home-designed-and-built development board I used to learn how to interface to and write programs for the AT90USB162 microcontroller.
With the exception of the AVR mcu, all parts are through-hole for ease of assembly.
The schematics are copyright Everyday Inventors, LLC. and licensed for use
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license as found at:
The example firmware provided is copyright The Free Software Foundation, and
Everyday Inventors, LLC. and licensed for use under the GNU General Public
License version 3.0 (GPL V3.0) as found at:
A plain-text copy of the GPL V3.0 is also provided in the firmware directory
of this project.