This is an Eval board/Shield for a very low power PIR Motion sensor with an optional footprint for a Lux sensor.
This is revision 1. Rev 2 will be compatible with MYSX 2.4 connector.
In case it can be useful, i share it.
This is a work in progress for the moment.
I've not received the pcb yet, but I have already tested it with MyMultisensors node.
So as soon as i've checked this is working as before, i release gerbers, and ask for a mini pcba if people interested.
General specs
|Specs| |
|Size |23.8*21.6 (mm) |
| Ambiant Light Lux | OPT3001 300nA in deep sleep, with footprint for optional pullup resistor |
| Motion detection | LHI968 good quality/price, with its circuit, active 1.6uA |
| Power Supply | 3V3 max |
Note : PIR range is dependant of the lens used.
Known issues
Always special thanks to:
- Mysensors Team for the great work
- Adafruit, Sparkfun, TI, Atmel etc.. for all educational infos they share
Links, reference and license
Copyright Scalz (2016). released under the CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2