In this project I have meshed together a Uno r3, Ethernet shield and a NRF24L01 board that will connect the NRF network to the internet. I got the information on meshing the Ethernet shield with the NRF board from I meshed that information with the** NRF24-master library using the **"starping" sketch. I had just enough memory left in the Uno to add a RTC clock module. At first I setup the NRF network to display the time stamps and one node, a remote temperature probe on a LCD display. Once I found the Ethernet / NRF site, I created a web page to display the same data that is on the LCD display to a web page.
When using the "starping" sketch, if one node has pin 7 tied to ground that will make it the receiver. On the other nodes with the Serial monitor displaying, You will be asked to designate the node number by entering 2-6 in the monitor. You will be instructed to restart that node. That node number will be saved in the EEProm memory so it will always be that node number until changed or erased. Dragging out my old college HTML book, I set up the web page to display the data from the nodes. On one of the nodes I added a temperature probe. Future work will get rid of the transfer time stamps and add useful data like light monitors, water levels and more.