Adapted mySensors Arduino sketch for measuring pulses on a (standard) household watermeter.
The development was initially done for a Itron Aquadis+ watermeter, but can be adapted for any other watermeter that has the ability to read one of the rotating counters externally.
For more info and dicussion on this project, visit the mySensors forum thread.
[edit 2017-02-19] Finalised the design files as this project is finised. Will start working on a version 2.0 (separate project) with embedded Atmel processor and potentially RFM radio.
External dependencies:
KiCad schematics editor and Kicad Pcbnew
License: CERN Open Hardware Licence v1.2
Id | Designator | Package/Footprint | Qty | Value | Supplier | Supplier ref. |
1 | R1 | 0603 | 1 | 1K | Aliexpress | 0603 SMD Resistor Kit 1% 10ohm to 910Kohm |
2 | R2,R3 | 0603 | 2 | 56K | Aliexpress | 0603 SMD Resistor Kit 1% 10ohm to 910Kohm |
3 | R4 | 0603 | 1 | 180 | Aliexpress | 0603 SMD Resistor Kit 1% 10ohm to 910Kohm |
4 | R5,R7 | 0603 | 2 | 10K | Aliexpress | 0603 SMD Resistor Kit 1% 10ohm to 910Kohm |
5 | R6 | Potentiometer Custom Inline ScrewUp | 1 | 10K | Aliexpress | 10k Ohm 3296W Potentiometer Trim Trimmer Variable Resistor 25 Turn Pot |
6 | R8 | 0603 | 2 | 1K | Aliexpress | 0603 SMD Resistor Kit 1% 10ohm to 910Kohm |
7 | C1,C4,C5,C7,C8,C10,C11,C12,C13 | 0603 | 9 | 100nF | Aliexpress | 100nF X7R Error 10% 50V 0603 SMD Thick Film Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor |
8 | C2 | 6.3x5.3 | 1 | 47uF | Aliexpress | 47uF-35V-6-3-5-4-SMD-aluminum-Electrolytic capacitor |
9 | C3,C6 | 5x5.3 | 2 | 10uF | Aliexpress | 25V 10UF SMD 4x5.4mm chip Aluminum-Electrolytic capacitor |
10 | C9 | 5x5.3 | 1 | 4u7 | Aliexpress | 16V-4-7UF-SMD-4x5mm-Aluminum-Electrolytic capacitor |
11 | D1 | DO-214AC | 1 | 1N4007 M7 | Aliexpress | SMD 1N4007 Rectifier Diode 1A 1000V M7 Original |
12 | D2 | 1206 | 1 | SMD LED | Aliexpress | 1206-SMD-White-Red-Blue-Green-Yellow Super-Bright |
13 | D3 | 1206 | 1 | SMD LED | Aliexpress | 1206-SMD-White-Red-Blue-Green-Yellow Super-Bright |
14 | U1 | SOT-223 | 1 | AP1117D50 | Aliexpress | AMS1117-5.0 SOT-223 5 V Lineaire Regulator LM1117 |
15 | U2 | SOT-223 | 1 | AP1117D33 | Aliexpress | AMS1117-3.3 SOT-223 3.3 V Lineaire Regulator LM1117 |
16 | U3 | SOT-23 | 1 | ATSHA240A | Digi-Key | Atmel ATSHA204A-STUCZ-T : Partnr: ATSHA204A-STUCZ-TCT-ND |
17 | U4 | SOIC-8-N | 1 | AT25DF512C | Digi-Key | Adesto Technologies AT25DF512C-SSHN-B : Partnr: 1265-1179-5-ND |
18 | U5 | TCRT5000 | 1 | TCRT5000 | Aliexpress | TCRT5000L TCRT5000 Reflective Infrared Optical Sensor Photoelectric Switche |
19 | U6 | SOIC-8-N | 1 | LM393 | Aliexpress | LM393DR-LM393-SOP-8-TI |
20 | U7 | Header 1x4 pin | 1 | CONN_01X04 | Aliexpress | Single Row Straight Female Pin Header Connector Strip for Arduino High Quality 2.54mm Black OH |
21 | REF1 | Module | 2 | CONN_01X12 + CONN_01x02 | Aliexpress | Single Row Straight Female Pin Header Connector Strip for Arduino High Quality 2.54mm Black OH |
22 | REF2 | Header 2x4 pin | 1 | NRF24L01 | Aliexpress | 2x4 Pin 8P 2.54mm Double Row Female Straight Header Pitch |
23 | CONN1 | Socket Jack5.5/2.1MM | 1 | CONN_01X02 | Aliexpress | 3 Pin DC Power Socket Jack DC005 5.5-2.1MM DC Power Interface Outlet |
24 | P1 | Header 2x3 pin | 1 | CONN_02X03 | Aliexpress | 2.54mm 2x40 Pin Male Double Row Pin Header Strip |
25 | NRF24L01 | Module | 1 | NRF24L01 | Aliexpress | NRF24L01 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver Module - Black |
26 | Arduino_Mini_Pro 5V | Module | 1 | Arduino_Mini_Pro 5V | Aliexpress | ATMEGA328P Pro Mini 328 Mini ATMEGA328 5V/16MHz for Arduino |
27 | SI7021 | Module | 1 | SI7021 | Aliexpress | Industrial High Precision Si7021 Humidity Sensor with I2C Interface for Arduino |
Name | Size | # Downloads |
Watermeter V1.0.sch | 31.86 kB | 2670 |
Watermeter | 23.87 kB | 2361 |
Watermeter v1.0.kicad_pcb | 204.53 kB | 2387 |
Watermeter-schematics-V1.0.pdf | 51.68 kB | 2101 |
Watermeter v1.0-F.Cu.gtl | 113.37 kB | 2343 |
Watermeter v1.0-B.Cu.gbl | 78.96 kB | 2317 |
Watermeter v1.0-F.Mask.gts | 3.55 kB | 2347 |
Watermeter v1.0-B.Mask.gbs | 2.43 kB | 2287 |
Watermeter v1.0-F.SilkS.gto | 42.78 kB | 2270 |
Watermeter v1.0-B.SilkS.gbo | 6.79 kB | 2248 |
Watermeter v1.0-Edge.Cuts.gko | 951 B | 2233 |
Watermeter v1.0.drl | 1.71 kB | 2303 |
cern_ohl_v_1_2_howto.pdf | 55.06 kB | 1712 |
cern_ohl_v_1_2.pdf | 95.73 kB | 1478 |
product.txt | 847 B | 2007 |
Changes.txt | 620 B | 1813 |
Name | Size | # Downloads |
Watermeter.ino | 10.68 kB | 3536 |