Modifications made by Licensee (see section 3.4.b in ) Rev 0,1 A shield fitting a Arduino Uno dimension and an Ethernet Shield. Using softSPI for the radio SPI communication to allow an ethernet shield in between the Arduino UNO and the gateway shield. Dedicated powersupply (LM1117 3.3) that can support up to 800mA current allowing a Nrf24l01+ PA/LNA to run without power issues. Using RFM69 (3.3v logic level) each SPI line has its own logic level converter using BSS118. Easy to access reset and inclusion mode on the front as well as 3x status LEDS. Rev 1.0 - Moved LEDs some to allow more space between them. (To close on 0.1) - Tweaked the outer dimensions some to fit the ethernet module better - Due to above changes inclusion mode and reset button moved some.